The Summer Picnic for homeowners and their children. It is always a fun event conducted at the Broadview Lane Cul-de-sac half-way through the year. The fare heatures a traditional BBQ meal that is well received. The Annual Homeowners' Meeting is conducted at the Picnic and includes a discussion of timely topics and the election of the Board of Directors for the next term.
While Halloween is not an official BECA event, it is an opportunity for friends and neighbors to meet and celebrate this popular seasonal activity.
The Broadview Holiday Party is an annual event for homeowners to meet and share the joy of the holiday season with each other. Hosted in one of Broadview residences, it is attended by about 80 members who take advantage of the event to exchange conversations.
Broadview Estates Community Association
P.O. Box 368 | Riva, MD 21140
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